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📓 Description

The cache extension provides a basic configurable caching interface, using a memory cache by default. Adds cache to TServiceParams

Things work better with redis Want something else? You can set a custom driver by using the .setClient method.

🛠️ Configuration

Caching is not available until onBootstrap

📄 Code Examples

Some generic code to illustrate basic cache interactions

export function WeatherForecastService({ logger, cache, lifecycle }: TServiceParams) {

// 🌍 Simulates fetching weather data from an external API
async function fetchWeatherData(city: string): Promise<string> {
// 📡 Imagine this function makes an API call to get weather data
return `Weather data for ${city}`;

// 🔄 Updates the cache with new weather data
async function updateWeatherCache(city: string) {
const weatherData = await fetchWeatherData(city);
await cache.set(city, weatherData, 7200); // Cache for 2 hours ⏳`Updated weather cache for ${city}`);

// 🔍 Retrieves weather data for a given city, either from cache or fresh from API
async function getWeather(city: string): Promise<string> {
let weatherData = await cache.get<string>(city);
if (!weatherData) {`Cache miss for ${city}. Fetching new data.`);
await updateWeatherCache(city);
weatherData = await fetchWeatherData(city);
} else {`Cache hit for ${city}. Using cached data.`);
return weatherData;

// 🗑️ Clears weather data for a city from the cache
async function clearWeatherCache(city: string) {
await cache.del(city);`Cleared weather data from cache for ${city}`);

// 📊 Lists all cities with cached weather data
async function listCachedCities() {
const keys = await cache.keys();`Cached cities: ${keys.join(', ')}`);
return keys;

// 🚀 Initialize the service and pre-cache data for a set of cities
lifecycle.onBootstrap(async () => {
const cities = ['New York', 'London', 'Tokyo'];
for (const city of cities) {
await updateWeatherCache(city);
}'Service initialized and weather data pre-cached for key cities.');

// ⏲️ Set an interval to update the cache every hour
setInterval(async () => {
for (const city of cities) {
await updateWeatherCache(city);`Cache auto-refreshed for ${city}`);
}, 3600000); // 3600000 milliseconds = 1 hour

// Expose service methods
return {