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💥 ESM Migration Guide (pt2)

This guide is the follow up to the part 1 esm migration.

The motivation for the changes leading up to this guide are from the standards being pushed by nodejs with regard to the format of ESM Modules

TLDR: import statements need file extensions

Typescript support for this feature is part of the Typescript 5.7 beta. If you want to stick to 5.6 (current at time of writing), the only difference with this guide is import statements need .mjs instead of .mts

// before
import { ExampleService } from "./example-file";
import { ExampleService } from "./folder";

// after Typescript 5.7
import { ExampleService } from "./example-file.mts";
import { ExampleService } from "./folder/index.mts";

// after Typescript 5.6
import { ExampleService } from "./example-file.mjs";
import { ExampleService } from "./folder/index.mjs";

⛑️ Performing the migration

With the way @digital-alchemy works, it's totally expected to see lots of angry red errors from your code until the process is complete. Your application code SHOULD NOT need changes from this migration.

Update file patterns

A few files need their file patterns updated to properly make the changes lower work.

  • tsconfig.json
  • eslint.config.mjs
  • package.json

The basic update is the same for all the files: find and replace .ts to .mts

Typescript 5.7 config

Add this option to your tsconfig

"rewriteRelativeImportExtensions": true,

Using beta

Manually update to 5.7 beta in package.json

"typescript": "5.7.0-beta",

Make sure you are using the workspace installed version of typescript.


Update code

You can quickly rename all files in place with this shell command

# do this from inside src folder, not root
cd /path/to/src

# replace change file.ts -> file.mts, recurse into all subfolders
find . -type f -name "*.ts" -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.ts}.mts"' {} \;

Next is the annoying part of the migration - manually updating all the imports at the top of files. Adding .mts to the end of files and /index.mts to the end of directory imports.

🔍 Unit tests

If you are using jest to test your automations, it is recommended to move over to vitest. It has improved esm compatibility, and shares the same testing interface.

yarn add -D vitest

Create file: vitest.config.ts

import "vitest/config";
import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config";

export default defineConfig({
test: {
globals: true,
coverage: {
provider: "v8",
reporter: ["html", "lcov", "clover"],

Add to compilerOptions in your tsconfig.

"types": ["vitest/globals"],

Replace test command in your package.json

If you experience intermittent test failures, try disabling parallel tests

"test": "vitest",
// or
"test": "vitest --no-file-parallelism",