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📚 Description

Welcome to @digital-alchemy/synapse!

This project builds on the functions provided by hass to provide the ability to generate entities within your Home Assistant install. With the help of a custom component, you can gate logic behind switches, report states with sensors, attach functions to buttons, and more!

💾 Install

Attention: Depends on @digital-alchemy/hass and the synapse custom component

Add as a dependency, and add to your imports. Nice and easy

npm i @digital-alchemy/synapse

Add to code

import { LIB_HASS } from "@digital-alchemy/hass";
import { LIB_SYNAPSE } from "@digital-alchemy/synapse";

// application
const MY_APP = CreateApplication({
libraries: [LIB_HASS, LIB_SYNAPSE],
name: "home_automation",

// library
export const MY_LIBRARY = CreateLibrary({
name: "special_logic",

🎉 Listing as an import will automatically load into LoadedModules and make the library features available as synapse on TServiceParams.


Creating new entities with the library is easy! The library will automatically handle communication with Home Assistant, reporting values, and attaching callbacks.

import { CronExpression, TServiceParams } from "@digital-alchemy/core";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";

export function Example({ scheduler, context, synapse }: TServiceParams) {
// Create a new switch entity
const useHacker = synapse.switch({ context, name: "Use hacker phrase" });
// Create a new sensor entity
const sensor = synapse.sensor({ context, name: "Current catchphrase" });

// Create a new phrase
// Taking into consideration the current state of the switch
const regenerate = () => {
sensor.state =
useHacker.state === "on"
? faker.hacker.phrase()

// Update sensor every 10 minutes
exec: regenerate,
schedule: CronExpression.EVERY_10_MINUTES,

// Provide button for immediate updates
exec: regenerate,
name: "Update phrase",

Caution: Names should be unique per domain!

🔄 Automatic availability reporting

A binary_sensor.{app_name}_online will be created and managed by the extension. This binary sensor will display the connected state of your application and is always available. All other entities owned by this application will have their availability state tied to the online state.

When your application disconnects, it emits a "going offline" message to automatically flag entities. Applications also emit a heartbeat that the custom component uses to identify more sudden failures.

🔁 Reloading in Home Assistant

By default, applications don't automatically send their current list of entities to Home Assistant. To trigger an update/resync with your application and the custom component, use the reload button.


📜 Supported Domains

Current support includes

binary_sensorReports an on/off state, not much else
buttonCreate a quick callback to some code on your dashboard
sensorReport string/number/date states, as well as attributes
switchCreate virtual switches to gate logic with
sceneSlightly different buttons, bring your own scene setting logic

⚙️ Configuration

  • ANNOUNCE_AT_CONNECT Instead of waiting for the reload button to be clicked to gather new entities, your application will automatically send them every time it connects to the socket.

This can lead to odd interactions in edge cases, false by default.