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๐Ÿ“ฉ Declaration Merging

The core library allows for a number of tools for augmenting internal type definitions to make them more friendly to your situation.


The LoadedModules interface is the most common interface that receives merges. All applications and libraries require that they have their definitions loaded in order to be usable inside of services.

import { CreateApplication, CreateLibrary } from "@digital-alchemy/core";

const MY_APP = CreateApplication(...);
const LIB_THING = CreateLibrary(...);

declare module "@digital-alchemy/core" {
export interface LoadedModules {
app: typeof MY_APP;
thing: typeof LIB_THING;


The DeclaredEnvironments is associated with the config.boilerplate.NODE_ENV property.

By default, it comes populated with prod, test, local. It can be populated with additional entries

declare module "@digital-alchemy/core" {
export interface DeclaredEnvironments {
sandbox: true;
stage: true;

Due to the constraints of declaration merging, the required information is taken from the keys


The is helper is a utility interface used across the project. Adding types to it is a straightforward operation

example from hass library

// declare logic in function
function isDomain<DOMAIN extends ALL_DOMAINS>(
entity: string,
domain: DOMAIN | DOMAIN[],
): entity is PICK_ENTITY<DOMAIN> {
const [test] = entity.split(".") as [DOMAIN, string];
return [domain].flat().includes(test);

// attach to type definition
declare module "@digital-alchemy/core" {
export interface IsIt {
domain: typeof isDomain;

// attach logic
is.domain = isDomain;


function setLightBrightness(entity_id: string, brightness: number) {
if (!is.domain(entity_id, "light")) {
throw new Error("That's no light!");
// ... logic


Add your own types to the als extension!

declare module "@digital-alchemy/core" {
export interface AsyncLocalData {
update_source: PICK_ENTITY;


Data that can be combined with logs. This is left empty by default, and populated by other intermediate modules.

declare module "@digital-alchemy/core" {
export interface AsyncLogData {
// web server example
requestId: string;
sessionId: string;

// automation example
entity_id: PICK_ENTITY;