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📘 Description

Welcome to @digital-alchemy/automation!

This project builds on the utilities provided by to create new home automation focused methods for easily coordinating entities.

💾 Install

Attention: Depends on @digital-alchemy/hass & @digital-alchemy/synapse As well as the synapse custom component

Add as a dependency, and add to your imports. Nice and easy

npm i @digital-alchemy/automation

Add to code

import { LIB_HASS } from "@digital-alchemy/hass";
import { LIB_SYNAPSE } from "@digital-alchemy/synapse";
import { LIB_AUTOMATION } from "@digital-alchemy/automation";

// application
const MY_APP = CreateApplication({
name: "home_automation",

// library
export const MY_LIBRARY = CreateLibrary({
name: "special_logic",

🎉 Listing as an import will automatically load into LoadedModules and make the library features available as automation on TServiceParams.

🛠️ Utilities

🏠 Rooms & scenes

Create rooms that reflect their real world counterparts. Coordinate groups of entities as scenes, and other high level operations.

🔧 Active Management

💡 Circadian Lighting

By default for lights defined in room scenes, if no particular color is defined, the temperature will be automatically managed for you.

You can see the current light temperature as a dedicated sensor. Updates for light temperature are rate-limited with some configurable settings. This allows you to easily keep a natural feeling light temperature in your home, without overloading your install.

🧩 Advanced Pattern Matching

The library includes some utilities for translating a specific pattern of events in Home Assistant into callbacks. This can enable new layers of functionality remotes, allowing for creating automations based on button sequences.

🔧 Misc