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๐Ÿ’ก Managed Switch

automation.managed_switch provides a simple interface active management of switch entities.

Gone are the days of attaching to a series of events, building complex state tracking logic, and hoping someone doesn't accidentally poke a button.

managed_switch lets you describe your workflow for figuring out if the light should be on, and makes that happen.

๐Ÿ‘ถ Basic Exampleโ€‹

A more traditional automation

const mySwitch ="switch.porch_light");
schedule: CronExpression.EVERY_DAY_AT_8PM,
exec: () => mySwitch.turn_on()
schedule: CronExpression.EVERY_DAY_AT_5AM,
exec: () => mySwitch.turn_off()

Using managed switch

entity_id: "switch.porch_light",
shouldBeOn: () => !automation.time.isBetween("AM5", "PM8")

๐Ÿ’ช Getting more complexโ€‹

Even with a simple example like that, the readability is dramatically improved taking a managed approach. Things only get better as your logic gets more complex. Switch state can be recalculated on demand in response to other entities updating.

const houseMode ="select.house_mode");
entity_id: "switch.porch_light",
onUpdate: [houseMode],
shouldBeOn() {
if (houseMode.state === "guest") {
return !automation.time.isBetween("AM5", "PM5");
return !automation.time.isBetween("AM5", "PM8");

Now when the select entity that manages house mode is changed, the turn_on time of the porch light changes.

In the above example, if time was in the magical zone of between 5PM & 8PM, the switch state is directly tied to the current house mode. Changing modes will change the the light immediately.