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๐Ÿ•Ÿ Time

The automation.time extension provides tools for quickly performing automation calculations involving time.

ShortTime syntaxโ€‹

Valid values:

  • "NOW"
  • Pattern: (AM|PM)[H]H[:(00|15|30|45)]

Examples: AM8, AM09, PM5:30

Creating Referencesโ€‹

const [AM8, PM5, NOW] = automation.time.refTime(["AM8", "PM5", "NOW"]);

Time testsโ€‹

  • isBefore(time: TShortTime)
  • isAfter(time: TShortTime)
  • isBetween(start: TShortTime, end: TShortTime)
function shouldDoThing() {
if (automation.time.isAfter("AM10:30")) {
return false;
return automation.time.isBefore("PM5");