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🚀 Installation


💾 Install

Attention: Depends on @digital-alchemy/hass and the synapse custom component

Add as a dependency, and add to your imports. Nice and easy

npm i @digital-alchemy/synapse

Add to code

import { LIB_HASS } from "@digital-alchemy/hass";
import { LIB_SYNAPSE } from "@digital-alchemy/synapse";

// 🏘️ applications
const MY_APP = CreateApplication({
libraries: [LIB_HASS, LIB_SYNAPSE],

// 📚 libraries
export const MY_LIBRARY = CreateLibrary({

📑 Register application

Once you have you application started, and have the extension installed within Home Assistant, connecting the two is a straightforward process. From within Home Assistant, go to + ADD INTEGRATION and select Digital Alchemy.

When you start the config flow, Home Assistant will emit a discovery request to gather details about all connected applications. Then a list will be presented allowing you to select an application to register.

Once your application is registered, a few things will happen:

  • A device will be created to represent your application and contain entities
  • A "application is online" binary_sensor entity will be created
  • New entities will be generated to match your app

See the sync page for specifics about when and how state is synced.