🧠 Synapse
Welcome to @digital-alchemy/synapse
This project builds on the functions provided by hass to provide the ability to generate entities within your Home Assistant install.
🏗️ You are able to create entities from a wide variety of domains, ranging from helpers to real world device types. Easily update state in response to events, or use internal triggers to manage for you!
🚀 Setup
Synapse has 2 major components to install in order to achieve proper functionality.
- Custom component: synapse-extension
- Typescript library: install guide
Configuration & fine tuning guide
👩🔧 Basic Usage
Creating a new entity is easy! You can even attach to events inline with
import { CronExpression, TServiceParams } from "@digital-alchemy/core";
export function ExampleService({ context, synapse, logger }: TServiceParams) {
press: () => logger.info("that tickles!"),
name: "Press me",
const sensor = synapse.binary_sensor({
// default state
is_on: false
onSomeEvent(async () => {
// runtime updates
sensor.is_on = true;
await sleep(1000);
sensor.is_on = false;
See the usage guide for more details about managing configurations and events
🔄 Automatic availability reporting
As part of the application lifecycle, a "coming online" / "going offline" message is emitted to Home Assistant to help manage entity availability. The application will also emit a regular heartbeat, which will cause the entities to automatically go offline after a short time if something unexpected happens.