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🔄 Reactive Updates

The final method of attaching entity updates is by providing a function to automatically recalculate the value when it updates.

In the below example, the binary sensor will listen for updates from 2 other entities. One is a native entity provided by Home Assistant, another is a synapse entity we just created.

The state of the binary sensor depends on some combination of the two states.

const entityA = ... );
const switchB = synapse.switch( ... );
is_on: {
onUpdate: [entityA, switchB],
current() {
return switchB.is_on ? entityA.state === "away" : false;

The value will recalculate every 30 seconds in addition to whenever update events happen.

⚠️ Avoid this

const sensor = synapse.binary_sensor({
icon() {
return sensor.is_on ? "on" : "off";
name: "test",

While this appears to be valid code at first glance, and will run as expected, it is invalid Typescript. The variable sensor will change it's type to any and cease to be useful. Variables cannot be used in their own definitions, even indirectly.

The self in the reactive updates example resolves this situation.

Reactive properties

Many entity properties are able to be defined as functions as well as hard coded defaults.

Basic updates

const sensor = synapse.binary_sensor({
name: "example"
sensor.onUpdate(() => {
sensor.icon = sensor.is_on ? "mdi:satellite-uplink" : "mdi:satellite-variant";

Reactive updates

icon(self) {
return self.is_on ? "on" : "off";
name: "test",

Obtaining entity refs

You can go from synapse entity to hass entity by using the getEntity() API. This value can only be determined while the application is actively running, and is not available early in your application lifecycle

function MyService({ synapse, lifecycle }) {
const sensor = synapse.sensor(...);

// ❌ not this
const ref = sensor.getEntity();

// ✅ do this
lifecycle.onReady(() => {
const ref = sensor.getEntity();
// do logic...

something.onEvent(() => {
const ref = sensor.getEntity();
// do logic...