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🔔 Event Binding

Some domains have the ability to send events back to the application to trigger events. Some examples may be, switch.toggle, number.set_value, etc.

More verbose entity information about specific events can be found in the Home Assistant developer docs (example entity). You are able to set listeners for incoming events using a variety of methods.

📎 Inline

Bindings can be placed alongside the configuration in the definition using the event name. All data provided by hass as part of the service call is passed through.{
select_option({ option }) {{ option }, "Option was selected");

📎 Dynamic

The dynamic attachment gives access to the same calls, using the onEventName camel case format. Dynamic attachments are easily detached using a provided remove function in the 2nd param or remover.remove().

const switchEntity = synapse.switch( ... );
const remover = switch.onTurnOn((data, remove) => {
// logic